How will I know how much my order will cost?
Just add items to your basket and click select to check out. Your order total will be displayed in your preferred currency, including all shipping costs from our warehouse(s) in the US to your selected international destination, as well as any applicable duties and taxes imposed by Customs and revenue authorities in the destination country.
How much does international shipping cost?
International shipping is calculated based on a number of factors including the desired shipping speed, the number of items you are purchasing, the weight of the items, and the destination country. International shipping will be calculated and guaranteed during checkout based on the items you are purchasing and your shipping destination.
How much duty and taxes are charged on international orders?
Duties (or Customs tariffs) are set by the destination country Customs authorities and determined based on a combination of the country of origin (manufacturing) of the goods being purchased and the classification of that merchandise in accordance with a harmonized system adopted and used by the countries supported. International taxes (such as Value Added Tax, or VAT) are set by the destination country. You will be able to view the guaranteed total amount of applicable duty and tax/VAT for your order within checkout.
Are there any additional costs that will be due upon receipt of my order?
As long as you select to prepay duties and taxes, the order total presented at checkout is the exact amount you’ll be billed, and there will be no additional costs due upon delivery.